Chapter 93: Ghosts from Old House (Part 3)

Upon hearing his grandson’s description, ‘Laughing Mouth Always Open‘s father-in-law said: “That old guy, surname Wang!”

‘This old beast is a white-eyed wolf. I used to think he had a hard time taking care of himself, so whenever I caught 2 fish, I would give him one to replenish his health. I helped him out, but he did this to us.”

‘Also, when the house was renovated and rebuilt, there were leftover bricks, tiles, and cement. So when I saw that his roof was cracked, and water seeped inside his house. I even asked the craftsmen to use the remaining materials to repair his roof…’

The father-in-law became angrier and angrier as he talked, and his chest was heaving with anger.

The shaman on the side heard this and sighed and said:

‘Brother, don’t be so angry. Many people won’t be grateful. The person you are helping may think you are giving alms to him and humiliating him. Besides, you are the same age as him and come from the same village. You are rich and have children and grandchildren who respect you, while he is all alone and lonely. How can you not feel envious in your heart over time?’

What the shaman said was exactly what the couple thought.

Laughing Mouth Always Open‘s husband said: “Dad, you and he were born in the same year. He is also 80 this year. He died miserably in a broken house. As a result, our family held a lively drinking and circus troupe.”

Seeing such a comparison inevitably made Old Man Wu feel unbalanced.

“It’s my fault that I didn’t consider this. If I had known earlier, I would have taken you to the city to handle matters, and these things wouldn’t have happened…”

No matter how angry the old man was, things have already happened.

At the moment, the health and safety of his grandson was more important.

To exorcise the evil spirits from the boy, the shaman also made a special trip to the next village. Laughing Mouth Always Open and the others went to the dilapidated house opposite their home.

The shaman held the bell while chanting a spell and shaking it. After coming out of the broken house, she said:

‘There is indeed a ghost in the house. It should be the old man. He lived a very miserable life and died unexpectedly. After his death, his body was left like this for two or three days, which made him somewhat depressed, and turned into a ghost in the village.’

‘I’ll give you some tips first to see if I can send it away.’

After the shaman finished speaking, she started the ceremony, jumping around and reciting incantations, while muttering something in her mouth, saying: ‘If you are willing to leave and go back to where you should go, this whole family will be grateful to you and give you incense…’

However, after finishing the ritual, she wiped the sweat from her head with a sullen face and said:

‘No, it doesn’t make sense. This old ghost doesn’t want to leave. I feel like its attitude is quite resistant.’

This made the couple so angry that they asked: “What should we do, Master?”

Finally, the shaman told them that she could use strong methods to exorcise evil spirits from the grave of the old ghost. Doing so could hurt the ghost and make the other party weak.

It would be best if it was frightened and left voluntarily by then. If the other party still didn’t leave, for the sake of the child, they could only eradicate it.

The couple agreed to the proposal, and the shaman went to prepare the tools and instruments for the practice.

Because the son’s lost soul was still in the village, and he had to immediately ‘call the soul’ after driving away the evil things from his body, the couple and their son Xiao He stayed in the village for the past two days and did not dare to leave.

With the shaman’s sacred water and peace charm, their son no longer has a constant fever.

But at night, he seemed to be a different person. He stared at his parents with a fierce expression, growled insults and threats in his mouth, and tried to break away from the amulet several times.

In desperation, the couple could only bear the pain and tie up their son with a rope.

After being tied up, he would change his face again, shouting “Mom and Dad” pitifully on his face, trying to get them to let him go. When that didn’t work, he would let out a creepy laugh in his high-pitched voice.

In just one week, Laughing Mouth Always Open lost weight, and her face could not hide her fatigue.

Fortunately, today the shaman has prepared all the supplies, and she only waits until three-quarters of the day – that was when the yang energy was strong in the day – to go to Old Man Wang’s grave to perform the ritual.

Laughing Mouth Always Open‘ was nervous and looking forward to it, so she woke up early.

When she checked her phone, she saw that the filming of the seventh episode of “Spiritual Affairs” started today. She thought that what happened to her son was an all-and-out supernatural incident, so she participated in the interaction to see if she could be selected.

She didn’t expect she would be so lucky to be chosen directly!

After telling everything, ‘Laughing Mouth Always Open’ asked with an earnest expression:

“Master Gu, do you think the evil thing in my son’s body can be successfully expelled? If it still fails, can I ask you to take a look?”

Gu Zhisang thought for a while and said: “I can take a look for you now. Do you have a photo of the old man next door?”

“How could I have this…”

Laughing Mouth Always Open suddenly paused, and she said: “There must be something, please wait for me.”

After a few minutes, a new message popped up in Gu Zhisang’s private message. It was a photo sent by ‘Laughing Mouth Always Open‘.

Seeing the gray photo, she couldn’t help but frown.

This was a black and white photo framed by a wooden frame, used as a portrait.

Seeing that the background next to the photo was a cracked, peeling, and slightly yellowed wall, Gu Zhisang understood that “Laughing Mouth Always Open” went to the empty house and took the photo on the wall with her mobile phone.

This kind of behavior was not polite and even very offensive to the deceased.

But thinking of the other party’s current mood, Gu Zhisang didn’t say anything for the time being.

The black-and-white photo was one of the few that the villagers found among Old Man Wang’s belongings. It should have been taken more than ten years ago.

Although the middle-aged man above has a tired look on his face, his honest eyes are still visible.

Judging from his face, his life was undoubtedly bitter. He had never enjoyed much happiness in his life, and he lost his wife and son one after another in his later years.

But he was like an old cow in the yellow land, just accepting it all numbly.

No matter the distribution of facial features, or from the horoscope lines and twelve palaces on Old Man Wang’s face, Gu Zhisang didn’t see any signs of malice.

She did not think that such a person would turn evil and murder the descendants of his benefactor more than a month after he died of an unexpected illness.

But ‘Laughing Mouth Always Open’ was very determined. Except for this old street in his hometown, his family has not gone anywhere, and the boy Xiao He did dream about Old Man Wang.

Gu Zhisang thought for a moment and felt something strange about this matter that she couldn’t explain.

Even if it was Old Man Wang who did it, there must be something else hidden.

After thinking for a while, she said: “I don’t see much useful information from this old man’s face. Can you start a live broadcast and take a picture of that house? Or take a few more pictures from the inside and outside for me to see.”

Laughing Mouth Always Open‘ hesitated for a moment, fearing that just taking a picture of the house would not be comprehensive, so she responded and said:

“I’ll start the video now.”

After her shaking video opened, Gu Zhisang looked carefully at the house on the screen.

The house was old and shabby, even the hinge of the door was crooked.

Laughing Mouth Always Open walked around with her mobile phone. Gu Zhisang confirmed that the shaman was right. A ghost indeed lingered in this room, but the resentment was not heavy.

“That’s all there is to it. That bed… is where my son lay.”

After showing around the show, ‘Laughing Mouth Always Open walked outside the old house.

The device in her hand was filming while walking, so the lens was unstable.

Just when she had just stepped out of the old house and was about to tell Gu Zhisang in the live broadcast room to turn off the camera, the anchor’s clear and somewhat serious voice suddenly came from the receiver:

“Wait, just keep doing this.”

Laughing Mouth Always Open‘ was stunned for a moment, but she did as she was told: “What’s wrong, Master Gu?”

Gu Zhisangfeng squinted her eyes slightly and felt strange: “Just keep this position and lift the phone.”

“Okay, we can stop at this angle.”

Looking at the shape of the building in the video, Gu Zhisang was silent for a moment.

Laughing Mouth Always Open‘ vaguely noticed something and became a little nervous:

“What’s wrong, Master Gu, this is my home… Is there any problem?”

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